Friday, March 13, 2009

American Red Cross- Louisville Area Chapter Facebook Contest Update!

Hello everyone! Our Facebook Recruiting Contest is entering a second week and still going strong! Thank you to everyone who has recruited friends and joined our cause.

In the last seven days, you’ve been busy. You’ve recruited over 200 new friends to the American Red Cross- Louisville Area Chapter cause. Imagine what you can do over the next three weeks.

In the last seven days, we’ve been busy too. Our staff and volunteers gave assistance and relief to 8 families who had their homes destroyed by fire, trained 293 people in life-saving health and safety courses, helped 856 military families communicate with their loved ones overseas, and collected and delivered 3289 units of blood to local hospitals. Imagine what we do in a full year.

Joining our cause helps show how much the American Red Cross means to you and our Kentuckiana communities. The Hall of Fame on our home page shows our all-time ambassadors, but this contest just includes the month of March! So far we’ve had 44 people participate in the contest. Christy Weaver leads the way with 22 recruits, and 10 people have recruited 10 or more friends. Keep it up! The top three recruiters for the month of March win prizes! (first- ARC Eton emergency radio, second- ARC family first aid kit, third- ARC travel tote). Check it out at