Thursday, October 20, 2011

Weeks 8 & 9: Not a happy camper

Some might say I'm not a "true" Coloradan. Growing up on the Eastern plains, I never experienced skiing, hiking (in the Rockies) or camping. On occasional visits to my home state, I would like to eventually snowboard and hike the Barr Trail to the top of Pikes Peak, but I don't think I'll ever have an urge to camp in the mountains—or anywhere else for that matter.

It's not that I lack a sense of adventure, I just value the finer things in life, like, for instance, running water. We use it not only to drink, but to wash our hands, bathe, brush our teeth, etc., etc. These are all things to consider when building your disaster kit. Your favorite shampoo/conditioner, deodorant to keep you fresh (and so clean, clean) and a toothbrush and paste to keep the cavities and scolding from your dentist at bay.

While writing this post, I came up with a fabulous idea for collecting toiletry items for your kit. When you're not on the road, consider storing your travel kit in your disaster kit. This will save you cash and time when you're packing up to visit Grandma or to go on a weekend trip. You can also bring your multi-purpose kit along if you decide to go camping, you know, if you like that sort of thing.

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